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Certified as a Kyoto Tourism Moral Promotion Declaration Business

We has now been officially accredited as an operator under the Kyoto Tourism Morality Promotion Declaration promoted by the City of Kyoto. This accreditation is awarded to businesses that actively promote sustainable tourism behaviour and respect for local culture and the environment for visitors to Kyoto.

Kyoto is a world-renowned tourist destination, yet it is urgently needed to improve tourism morale in order to protect its beautiful natural environment and historical buildings and to pass them on to future generations. Through this accreditation, the CEC renews its commitment to the sustainability of tourism in Kyoto, not only for tourists but also for the local community. Through the following activities, we will strive to put into practice the 'Kyoto Tourism Morale Promotion Declaration'.
  • Providing information to tourists on environmental protection and respect for local culture

  • Provision of eco-friendly products and services

  • Promoting sustainable tourism in cooperation with local communities

With this accreditation, we promise to work even harder to preserve the beauty of Kyoto and provide a valuable experience for all visitors.





Thank you for your interest in our company.
Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries regarding services and solutions.
A representative will contact you as soon as possible.

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