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Organised the Student,Kyoto and Tourism [1st CEC Symposium].

In the co-creation competition, in which students present a sightseeing tour plan that solves a social problem from their perspective, the team 'Nishijin Shizuko', which combines microtourism and traditional crafts, won the CEC Award, equivalent to the Grand Prix.

The Cultural Edu-tourism Council was established with the aim of solving social problems, creating sustainable cities and providing a place for students to play an active role in the future of Japan beyond EXPO 2025.
In commemoration of the establishment of the CEC, the first CEC Symposium "Students x Kyoto x Tourism Symposium - Not just to see, but to learn and enjoy tourism: What students think of - an attractive Kyoto - is 'Kyoto from the students' point of view', in order to promote tourism business through industry-academia-government collaboration. The first CEC Symposium "Students x Kyoto x Tourism Symposium: Not Just Seeing, But Learning and Enjoying Tourism: What Students Think of - Attractive Kyoto - from the Students' Perspective" was held on 13 January 2024 in the old council chamber of the Kyoto Prefectural Government's Old Main Building, with approximately 100 participants.
The aim of the Co-Creation Competition was to enable students from Kyoto to present their travel plans for solving various social issues through tourism, and to contribute to the solution of these issues. Click here to see how the event tackled issues facing cultural tourism policy through exchanges and opinions among all participants.
Twelve student teams applied for the competition and seven students from Kyoto University, Kyoto University Graduate School, Kyoto Prefectural University, Fukuchiyama Public University, Ritsumeikan University, Doshisha University and Kyoto College of Hotel, Tourism and Bridal appeared on the day to present their ideas for a 'sightseeing tour in Kyoto Prefecture'.

The theme of the team 'Nishijin Shizuko', which won the CEC Grand Prize, the equivalent of the Grand Prix, was 'Yes, let's go to Minami-sanchi, let's go there.' The plan was based on micro-tourism and traditional crafts. Three part-time colleagues from Nishijin Obanzai "Shizu", Fumiha Ooka, Aoi Hongo (Doshisha University) and Mui Ito (Kyoto Prefectural University), presented a plan to visit the workshop of yuzen dyeing artisan Shinichiro Minami, whom they met at "Shizu", and experience yuzen dyeing. The judges praised the proposal and the good sense of the name for highlighting the beauty of yuzen dyeing while at the same time proposing solutions to issues such as the decrease in the number of craftspeople.

The Most Innovative Award went to Mitsuru Sakuno (Ritsumeikan University) of Foodful, who has experience in setting up student venture companies. The plan to experience food culture for primary schools students from the perspective of food was proposed.
The Time Travel Award was presented to Ei Setoguchi of Doshisha University, who proposed a tour to solve the problem of declining public bathhouses and the attractiveness of public bathhouses in the Kita-ku area of Kyoto City. Members of the Fukuchiyama Public University team 'Fukuchiyama Public University 2nd Year Sugioka Seminar' won the Uniqueness Award for their enthusiastic presentation introducing the water quality of Kanzaki in Maizuru City and their activities in the area, and their wish for more people to know about the attractions of Kanzaki Town in Kyoto Prefecture.
'ECO-le de Kyoto University' (Kyoto University) won the Environmental and Sustainability Award for their presentation on a water-themed walking tour of the city, which included a My Bottle recommendation and litter pick-up.
Team 'KYOKAN' from Kyoto College of Hotel, Tourism and Bridal presented a tour that uncovered new attractions of Miyazu City beyond the sea and won the Kyoto Attraction Discovery! Award.
The Encouragement Award went to Doshisha University's 'Udon Deer!!!', which proposed the elimination of overtourism in Kyoto City and the revitalisation of the local economy, while communicating the sea attractions of Ine Town, which is now famous as a popular spot. of Doshisha University won the award.

In the relay talks, we heard from four professionals with an outside perspective on the attractions and challenges of Kyoto, leading to solutions to these issues.

The symposium began with opening remarks by the organisers and closed with closing remarks by Mr Akimasa Yamashita, Deputy Governor of Kyoto Prefecture.

This symposium was planned, organised, sponsored and disseminated by the CEC Ambassadors.
Shutaro Onishi(Faculty of Policy Studies, Doshisha University) Ryo Hirose (Faculty of Law, Doshisha University) Akira Setoguchi (Faculty of Theology, Doshisha University) Sean Sano (Faculty of Law, Doshisha University) Fumiha Ooka (Faculty of Theology, Doshisha University) Tenchi Koyama (Doshisha University Faculty of Law, Department of Political Science) Miho Onodera (Doshisha University Faculty of Theology) Hiroko Chino

The reception was held at the Ace Hotel KYOTO, and was attended by about 50 people, including participating students, speakers and sponsoring companies. Here, the CEC Ambassadors and symposium participants exchanged views on culture and tourism in Kyoto.
Comments from students who took part in the Co-creation Competition
  • I learned a lot from the presentations of all the teams, which were unique and showed how culture can be viewed from a variety of angles.

  • I was acutely aware of the difficulties of the competition, but at the same time I realised how much fun it is. I would like to actively participate in future competitions.

Outline of the symposium
Name |Students x Kyoto x Tourism Symposium
"Not only to see, but also to learn and enjoy tourism: What the Kyoto Student Ambassadors think of -Attractive Kyoto"
Date and time | 13 January 2024 (Saturday), 13:00 Doors open 13:30 Start 17:30 Closing
Venue |Old council chamber of the Kyoto Prefectural Government (in the Kyoto Prefectural Government Building)
Organised by Cultural Edu-tourism Council
Co-organised by Kyoto Prefecture
Kyoto Tourism Federation, Kyoto City, Kyoto Shimbun, Alpha Station, KBS Kyoto
Supported by 
|HIS Corporation, Kyoei Corporation, Community Bank Kyoshin, Goldwin Co.
|Kyoto Tourism Academy, Kyoto Living Newspaper, The Japan Times, Takimono Ebisu, West Japan Railway Company, Nisshosha node hotel, Myoshinji Pagoda Yotokuin, Ryson Co.
Organised by Cultural Edu-tourism Council
Participation fee |Free (online advance booking required)
◎プログラム 1. 主催者挨拶・CEC概要説明|Cultural Edu-Tourism Council 代表 地野 裕子
2.オープニングメッセージ|京都府知事 西脇 隆俊氏(ビデオレター)
3. 後援、協賛、協力会社ご紹介
4. 共創コンペ
テーマ :「学生から見た京都の魅力と未来」
5. リレートーク(40分)
テーマ 「京都の外からの視点と内からの視点を未来に紡ぐためには」
6. 共創コンペ結果発表
7. 総評・クロージングご挨拶 京都府副知事 山下 晃正氏
8. 名刺交換会 
会場:Ace Hotel PIOPIKO Bar & Tacos(Ace Hotel 2F)



FoodFul :作野 充(立命館大学3年生)
エコ~るど京大:奥野 真木保(京都大学大学院修士2年生)、角本 柚香(京都大学3年生)
KYOKAN:森松 絵恋、中村 茉那、手水 瑠菜(京都ホテル観光ブライダル専門学校2年生)
うどん鹿!!:西村 領真、高橋 奈央、鈴木 美怜、熊原 元希 (同志社大学1年生)
西陣しづ子:大岡 美葉、本郷 葵(同志社大学3年生)、伊藤 無為(京都府立大学1年生)
福知山公立大学2年杉岡ゼミ:田中 敬護、阿川 ねね、後藤 結衣、山田 和香、森 駿介、清水 彩華、髙橋 和樹(福知山公立大学2年生)
瀬戸口瑛:瀬戸口 瑛(同志社大学1年生)

青木 優氏/株式会社MATCHA 代表取締役
白井 良邦氏/Sustainable Japan Magazine by the apantimes編集長、慶應義塾大学SFC特別招聘教授
住井 啓子氏/小丸屋住井 十代目 女将 西村 明美氏/柊家 六代目 女将
前田 尚武氏/京都市京セラ美術館企画推進ディレクター、一級建築士、学芸員
満島 孝文氏/コミュニティ・バンク京信 京都信用金庫 企業成長推進部 課長 
吉高 まり氏/三菱UFJリサーチ&コンサルティング株式会社フェロー(サステナビリティ)、一般社団法人Virtu Design代表

青木 優氏/株式会社MATCHA 代表取締役
梅澤 高明氏/A.T.カーニー日本法人会長、CIC Japan会長*白井 良邦氏/Sustainable Japan Magazine by the japan times編集長、 慶應義塾大学SFC特別招聘教授*は、オンラインにてご登壇。6. 学生ピッチ大会結果発表
7. 総評・閉会挨拶 山下副知事
8. 名刺交換会 
9.関係者懇親会 18:00-19:30 会場:Ace Hotel PIOPIKO Bar & Tacos(Ace Hotel 2F)





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